Key exercises
7 movement patterns: Squat, lunge, hip hinge, push, pull, twist, gait.
- Squat
- Back squat
- Front squat
- Overhead squat
- Zercher squat
- Goblet squat
- Hip hinge
- Deadlift, RDL (Romanian deadlift)
- Good morning
- Glute bridge
- Push
- Bench press (incline)
- Shoulder press (front and behind the neck), push press
- Dip
- pull over
- Push up
- Pull
- Pull up
- Barbell row
- Upright row
- Lunge
- Lunge (barbell/dumbbell) (elevated)
- Side lunge
- Gait
- Running
- Carry
- Farmer’s walk
- Suitcase carry
Often neglected muscles
- https://mobile.twitter.com/najib__rahal/status/1587840277196247040
- we should train antagonistic muscles to prevent imbalances
- Rotator cuff: external/internal rotation
- Posterior delts: bent-over flys
- Hip: horse stance, adductor squats
- grip strength: db hex holds, farmer walks, pronated curls
- Neck: lying neck flexion/extension
- knee: ATG lunges, reverse sled pulls,
- tibialist anterior: dorsiflexion of the foot
- erector spinae: spinal arching
- wrist: knuckle push ups
Whole body workout routines
- Plank
- 5 Core Exercises To Make Yourself Stronger | Strength And Conditioning For Triathletes
- Side plank rotation: from side plank rotate the free arm from the other elbow to the sky
- Lying hip thrust: arms cross, squeeze the glutes and raise the hips
- walkouts: high plank and walk the arms to front and back.
- V hold: leg and upper body straight and make a v.
- Russian twists: raise legs (90 deg) and move a heavy object from one side to the other side.
Lower body
HIIT Style Workout For Triathletes
- Skipping
- Step up and knee drive
- Box jump
- Skis: diagnonally hop forwards and backwards
- Switching jump lunge
How to Stretch IT Bands and Glutes
- one arm on the wall. push the hip and stretch the side. one leg can be crossed
- hold something, put one leg on top of the other knee, push the hip back and stretch the glutes and IT band.
- Similar position, lying, grab the knee and pull.
- deep lunge (spider man) + hip circle and leg drive
- pigeon hold
- couch stretch
- glute massage
- TFL massage
- squat hold