Graph neural network
There are many interesting applications. Google Maps and DeepMind team used GNN to improve the ETA prediction Derrow Pinion2021ETA.
It was used to forecast global weather Keisler2022forecasting.
Books, reviews, and tutorials
- A Gentle Introduction to Graph Neural Networks
- Graph Representation Learning Book by William Hamilton
- Intro to graph neural networks (ML Tech Talks) a talk by Petar Veličković.
- - “Let’s say I have two spare days and want to really understand GNNs. What should I do?”
- Graph Neural Networks through the lens of Differential Geometry and Algebraic Topology | by Michael Bronstein | Nov, 2021 | Towards Data Science by Michael Bronstein
- Zhou2020graph
- Zhou2021graph
- [ICLR 2021 Keynote - “Geometric Deep Learning: The Erlangen Programme of ML” - M Bronstein] by Michael Bronstein
- Graph Neural Networks - a perspective from the ground up by Alex Foo
To read
How about directed networks? See Beaini2020directional
Attention mechanism can also be used for graphs. See Graph attention networks.
- How Powerful are Graph Neural Networks?
- GNN Explainer: A Tool for Post-hoc Explanation of Graph Neural Networks
- Redundancy-Free Computation Graphs for Graph Neural Networks
- Understanding the Representation Power of Graph Neural Networks in Learning Graph Topology
- Li2020distance: Distance Encoding: Design Provably More Powerful Neural Networks for Graph Representation Learning
- Graph Neural Networks beyond Weisfeiler-Lehman and vanilla Message Passing by Michael Bronstein
- Schuetz2022combinatorial
- Kanatsoulis2025learning