National Science Foundation
Finding grant opportunities
Broader impacts
- Dear Colleague Letter: A Broader Impacts Framework for Proposals Submitted to NSF’s SBE
- IU OVPR: Broader impacts
For graduate students
- - Graduate research fellowship
- - examples
Examples of grants
- Characterizing the Dynamics of Complex Networks by Albert László Barabási
- Mathematical Frameworks for Biological Modular Networks by Hernán Makse
- Dynamics of Social Networks by Hernán Makse
- Quasispecies Network Theories for the Cross Scale Evolutionary Dynamics of Pathogens by Jayanth Banavar and Réka Albert et al.
- Longitudinal Analysis and Modeling of Large-Scale Social Networks Based on Cell Phone Records by Zoltán Toroczkai, David Hachen, Mark Alber, Nitesh Chawla, and Omar Lizardo
- Social Integration of Semantic Annotation Networks for Web Applications by Filippo Menczer
- Large-scale structure in complex networks by Mark Newman
- Adaptation and Percolation in Complex Networks by Juan Restrepo
- CAREER: Explorations of Complex Social and Psychological Phenomena through Multiscale Online Sociological Experiments, Empirical Studies, and Theoretical Models by Peter Dodds
Funded grant proposal examples
- TWC: Frontier: Collaborative: Beyond Technical Security: Developing an Empirical Basis for Socio-Economic Perspectives
- Center for Internet Epidemiology and Defenses
Possible programs for network science
- - Information & Intelligent Systems
- - Computing and Communication Foundations
- Social-computational systems
- - mathematical science
- - Emerging Frontiers
- - Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences
- - Social and Economic Sciences
- - Materials Research
- SBE 2020: Future Research in the Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences
- The Grand Challenge of Understanding Group Effectiveness by Joseph A
- The Science of Team Science (SciTS): A Beacon for 21st Century Scientific Collaboration by Katy Börner
- Understanding Human Behavior at Large Scales through Mobile Devices
- Network Theory and Application: Creating a Long Term Human Research (NSF LTHR) System
- Using New Data Analysis Techniques to Understand Information Flows
- Providing the Web of Social Science Knowledge for the Future: A Network of Social Science Data Collaboratories
- Science of Science and Innovation Policy (SciSIP)
- NSF COA: - generate a spreadsheet of collaborators.
- Advice on Writing Proposals to the National Science Foundation
- data management plans
- NSF Proposal Preparation: The View of an Ex-Program Officer