uv (Python package manager)

“An extremely fast Python package installer and resolver, written in Rust.” It aims to be the Cargo for python.

Here are some nice things about uv.

  1. It is FAST! Most installations are almost instant.
  2. It is a stand-alone tool and can be installed without Python and Rust. Totally free of the python environment mess.
  3. It simplifies the virtual environment management because it is just a single binary that replaces virtualenv, pip, and pip-tools.


venv + pip

Create a virtual environment in the current directory (inside .venv).

uv venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Btw, you can automate the activation of virtual environment by using direnv.

Create a requirements.in file (hopefully it will support generating this or pyproject.toml soon) that lists high-level package requirements.


# local libraries
-e ./libs/xxxx

Install them directly or create a lock file first (note that this lock file is platform-specific and may not translate into other systems) and then install it.

uv pip install -r requirements.in
uv pip compile requirements.in -o requirements.txt
uv pip install -r requirements.txt

Combine with direnv

custom scripts